As the quantity of childcare centers in Jersey City, New Jersey, expands, it’s more important than ever to pick the suitable one for your child. Nevertheless, It Takes A Village Infant Toddler and Preschool Center is dedicated to providing an environment where your kid can explore their surroundings, develop intellectual and social skills, and uncover their potential. This is what distinguishes us from the rest. We assist students in becoming their best selves by collaborating with parents. Your child will feel comfortable and confident under our care.
We continue to work toward our aim of offering high-quality daycare in Jersey City, New Jersey, to help you with your parental duties. We have 5 classrooms dedicated to youngsters ages 6 weeks to 2.5 years old in our Infant/Toddler program. This is where they can explore, develop skills, accomplish milestones, and grow in a healthy setting away from home. Each classroom teaches children of the same age category, allowing them to grow, develop, and learn alongside their classmates.
We genuinely believe that raising a child takes a village. This proverb remains true, no matter how ancient it is. As a result, students must be in an environment that instills and applies everyday values and self-discovery throughout their educational endeavors. If you want to enroll your child in preschool, know that we provide it.
We’re a group of teachers who use the HighScope curriculum. According to the HighScope principles, pupils who are educated have more opportunities in their later school years than those who are not. Higher achievers are discovered among the students. So if you’re seeking reliable child care in New Jersey, keep in mind that we are the place to visit. Talk to us today!